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Food and Nutrition Services

West Park Elementary aims to provide nutritious and appetizing meals to students each day.
The District recognizes that good nutrition is vital to students’ health, their mental and physical
growth, and their readiness to participate and learn at school. The food service program
operates in conjunction with federal and state school nutrition programs, including the National
School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.

Meals served at schools meet state and federal requirements based on the USDA
Dietary Guidelines. All meals, food are prepared and served by qualified nutrition
professionals to offer every student a positive dining experience. We provide
students with access to a variety of affordable and appealing foods that meet the
health and nutrition needs of students. All enrolled students in West Park School
District may have one breakfast and one lunch at no charge under the
Community Eligibility Provision.

Our district allows Offer vs. Serve which is designed to decrease food waste and
provide students with more flexibility in choosing what they want to eat. Students
must take the appropriate items for breakfast and components for lunch to be
reimbursable meals.

  Director of Food Services

Lilia Romero

Director of Food Services
(559) 233-6501 ext. 116

Angela Rocha

Food Service

Margie Medina

Food Service

Breakfast Lunch