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Human Resources

human resources

The mission of the West Park Elementary School District’s Human Resources Department is to recruit, hire and retain highly qualified employees who are committed to the district’s mission to provide excellence in public education, empowering all to achieve their fullest potential. We are committed to the fair selection and development of our diverse workforce.

We will do this by:
  • Establishing, administering and effectively communicating sound policies, rules and practices that treat employees with dignity and equality while maintaining compliance with employment and labor laws, Ed Code, and labor agreements.
  • Promoting and recruiting the best-qualified people, and recognizing and encouraging the value of diversity in the workplace.
  • Retention of valuable employees.
  • Training, development and education to promote individual success and increase overall value to the District.
  • Providing a work atmosphere that is safe, healthy and secure, as well as conscious of long-term family and community goals.
  • Providing a competitive salary and benefits package
  • Inspiration and encouragement for a high level of employee morale through recognition, effective communication and constant feedback.

Together we will make a positive difference in the lives of our students, employees, and community here at West Park Elementary School District. Our investment in your personal and professional advancement is reflected in the academic growth and social-emotional well-being of our students. We recognize every day is a new opportunity to be better than the day before. 


Carmen Mares

Director of Human Resoruces
(559) 233-6501 ext. 139