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Assembly Bill (AB) 104

What is Assembly Bill 104 (AB 104)?

A component of AB 104 is the ability of parents/guardians and adult students to request that high school grades earned during the 2020-2021 school year be changed from a letter grade to Pass or No Pass for high school students rising to grades 10-12, as well as for students who were seniors during the 2020-2021 school year.
Grade change requests must be granted if such changes do not negatively impact a student’s GPA. There is no limit to the number of courses to which a grade change request may be made.
The bill prohibits schools from accepting grade change applications after the deadline.
How do I request a change from a letter grade to a Pass/No Pass?
If you would like to request a grade change, please utilize the “AB 104 Grade Change Application Link 20-21" below.  A printed and signed copy of the AB 104 Grade Change Application form will need to be dropped off to the high school counselor by the due date of August 27, 2021 (3:00pm) in order to be processed.
Need help with this process? Please contact your high school counselor.
Requests to have a letter grade reinstated will not be accepted.
Will having a Pass/No Pass on my transcript affect my college/university applications?
A list of California Colleges and Universities that will accept for admission purposes, and without prejudice, a transcript with a Pass or No Pass grade in lieu of a letter grade for any coursework for an applicant who was enrolled in a high school in the state of California during any school year from 2020-2021 to 2023-2024 (current 10th – 12th grade students) can be found on the CDE website at: 
NOTE: It is unknown if some postsecondary educational institutions, including those in other states, may or may not accept a Pass or No Pass grade in lieu of a letter grade for admission or scholarship purposes. Please do your research on postsecondary educational institutions you might be applying to upon graduation.